Sunday, January 9, 2011


Another year gone, new beginnings in store. After revising the blog some last year (which I still have some fine-tuning to do) I haven't posted much as I seem to be experiencing another "F" word lately - FUNK! Yep, I've been in a funk.

How come? Well, I've been trying to find a balance between great bargains and 'free' stuff and cutting back on "stuff".

As I begin my "Year of Jubilee" I am torn between getting good deals and spending time on just more "stuff" - is that what I want? Even if things are "free", you still have to manage the 'stuff'.

In my other blog called "Get Your Green Jeans On" I talked more about our obsession with over consumerism and wasteful behavior. I try to be frugal, fun and waste as little as possible however, some of that comes with a price - my time!

Sundays were consumed with snatching up the Sunday paper as soon as it was delivered and rummaging through the ads and coupons. Following that came the coupon clipping, sorting and filing. Next came the 'search and destroy' mission for the best price (before coupons) and then the list generation of "free stuff" and "wants". I was saving a lot of money but was it really worth the time, energy and often times stretch of our cupboard space? Not to mention our increasing waste lines? There had to be a balance. Some where. I was determined to find it.

I began to look at things differently. I began asking important (or what I feel is important, rather) questions about my shopping practices. Simultaneous to this new line of thinking I began to shop for organic, raw food as much as possible. Local food. Limiting pre-packaged and microwaveable items as much as possible. My next challenge was to eat 'fresh food' whenever possible.

As I began to strive towards this goal, I've found less and less need for coupons. We are fortunate here to have 99c Stores which carry fresh produce (much of which is organic) . My bench mark for shopping now is the 99c Store. If I can get it somewhere else for less then, ok - otherwise it's my 'go to first' place. Three days last week I fed two children and three adults dinner for $4.00 - total!!

I've made ecological choices to cut back on things like napkins, paper plates, and other 'disposable' items. Again, my need for coupons has dramatically changed. As I finish off cleaning solutions, etc. that I have back stocked, I'm replacing them with more ecological alternatives like vinegar and soda. Yes, I can get vinegar at the 99c Store.

I think I surprised my 10 year old grandson this week when we went to the 99c Store and walked out with several name brand items. He said, "Gramma, alot of kids I know say that there isn't anything but junk at the 99c Store - and the products are cheap". As we walked in the door he saw many brand name things and quickly changed his opinion.

So as the days move on, I am continuing to find frugal and free deals whenever possible but I am trying to find a balance with being ecologically responsible as well. This is in keeping with my belief that God has given us this earth and the creatures that dwell in it to manage and take care of...not to exploit. We are to be 'good stewards of our time, money and talents' - so these will be my driving passions during this next year.

Don't get me wrong I'm not warding off shopping or 'consuming of goods' - I'm just rethinking things a tad and opting to find a balance of 'needs vs. wants' and asking myself if there are alternative ways of achieving what I want for less all the while improving my world a little bit, even if just by small things.

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